
Матеріал з Релігія в огні

Документацію для цього модуля можна створити у Модуль:Institution/документація

  __  __           _       _        ___           _   _ _         _   _             
 |  \/  | ___   __| |_   _| | ___ _|_ _|_ __  ___| |_(_) |_ _   _| |_(_) ___  _ __  
 | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_)| || '_ \/ __| __| | __| | | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
 | |  | | (_) | (_| | |_| | |  __/_ | || | | \__ \ |_| | |_| |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
 |_|  |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)___|_| |_|___/\__|_|\__|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

This module is intended to be the engine behind "Template:Institution".

Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at 
"Module:Institution/sandbox" and testing at "Module:Institution/testcases".

Authors and maintainers:
* User:Jarekt - original version 

require('strict') -- used for debugging purposes as it detects cases of unintended global variables
local getLabel         = require("Module:Wikidata label")._getLabel            -- used for creation of name based on wikidata
local getDate          = require("Module:Wikidata date")._date                 -- used for processing of date properties
local authorityControl = require("Module:Authority control")._authorityControl -- used for formatting of Authority control row
local City             = require("Module:City")._city                          -- used to add wikidata bases links to names of places
local Coordinates      = require("Module:Coordinates")
local labels           = require("Module:I18n/institution")
local ISOdate          = require("Module:ISOdate")._ISOdate                    -- used for internationalization of dates
local LanguageCodes    = require("Module:LanguageCodes")                       
local core             = require("Module:core")

-- ==================================================
-- === Internal functions ===========================
-- ==================================================

local function info_box(text, lang, qCode)
	return string.format('<table class="messagebox plainlinks layouttemplate" dir="ltr" style="border-collapse:collapse; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; width:100%%; clear: both; '..
		'border-color:#f28500; background:#ffe; border-left-width: 8px; ">'..
		'<td class="mbox-image" style="padding-left:.9em;">'..
		' [[File:Commons-emblem-issue.svg|class=noviewer|45px]]</td>'..
		'<td class="mbox-text" style="">%s</td>'..
		'</tr></table>', string.format(core.langSwitch(labels[text],lang), qCode))

-- ====================================================================
-- This function is responsible for producing HTML of a single row of the template
-- At this stage all the fields are already filed. There is either one or two fields
-- * param - structures for 2 fields containing fields:
--    - field    - field name
--    - wrapper  - some fields need a <span class=...> wrapper around the field content 
-- * args - table with all the parameters
-- ====================================================================
local function Build_html_row(param, args)
	local field = args[param.field]
	if field=='' then field=nul; end
	if not (field or args.demo) then 
		return nil
	local tag = labels[param.field]
	if type(tag)=='string' and string.match(tag, "^Q%d+$") then
		tag = getLabel(tag, args.lang, "-", "ucfirst")
		tag = core.langSwitch(tag, args.lang)
	local cell1 = string.format('<td style="%s">%s</td>\n', args.style2, tag)
	local cell2 = string.format('<td colspan="2" style="word-break:break-word;%s">'.. param.wrapper ..'</td>', args.style1, field or '')
	return string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s%s</tr>\n', cell1, cell2)

-- ====================================================================
-- === This function is just responsible for producing HTML of the  ===
-- === template. At this stage all the fields are already filed     ===
-- ====================================================================
local function Build_html(args, cats)
	local field
	args.style1 = 'border:1px solid #aaa;'
	args.style2 = 'background-color:#e0e0ee; font-weight:bold; ' .. args.style1
	args.style3 = 'min-width:130px; ' .. args.style1
	-- get text direction
	local dir, text_align, odir
	if mw.language.new( args.lang ):isRTL() then
		dir, text_align, odir = 'rtl', 'right', 'left'
		dir, text_align, odir = 'ltr', 'left', 'right'
	-- Top line with Creator name, lifespan and link icons -
	local top = {}
	table.insert(top, string.format('<span class="fn" id="creator"><bdi>%s\n</bdi></span>', args.name or 'missing name') )
	if args.linkback then 
	    table.insert(top, string.format('[[File:Blue pencil.svg|15px|link=Institution:%s]]', args.linkback) )
	if args.wikidata then -- Wikidata Link
		table.insert(top, string.format('[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|20px|wikidata:%s|link=wikidata:%s]]', args.wikidata, args.wikidata) )
	if args.QS then -- quick_statement link to upload missing info to wikidata
		table.insert(top, string.format('%s', args.QS) )
	if args.inventory then
		local formatStr = "<span style='float:%s; font-size:80%%; margin-%s:20px;'> ([[%s|%s]])</span>"
		table.insert(top, string.format(formatStr, odir, odir, args.inventory, core.langSwitch(labels.inventory, args.lang)  ))
	local line = string.format('<th colspan="4" style="%s">%s</th>', args.style2, table.concat(top, '&nbsp;')) 
	local results = {}
	table.insert(results, string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s\n</tr>\n', line))
	-- add other fields
	local param = {
		{field='native_name' 	, wrapper='%s'},
		{field='parent'         , wrapper='%s'},
		{field='location' 		, wrapper='<div class="locality">%s</div>'},
		{field='coordinates'	, wrapper='%s'},
		{field='established' 	, wrapper='%s'},
		{field='website'        , wrapper='%s'},
		{field='authority'		, wrapper='%s'},
	for i=1,#param do
		table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[i], args))

	-- Image on the Left
	if not args.image and args.demo then
		args.image = 'MarksburgSilhouette.svg'
	if args.image then --Wikiquote link
		field = string.format('[[File:%s|200x140px|alt=%s|class=photo]]', args.image, args.name or '') 
		local n = #results -- number of rows below 
		line  = string.format('<td rowspan="%i" style="width:120px" id="fileinfotpl_creator_image"><span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">%s</span></td>', n, field) 
		table.insert(results, 2, string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s\n</tr>\n', line)	)
	results = table.concat(results)

	-- build table
	local collapsed = ''
	if args.collapse or args.namespace == 6 then
		collapsed = 'collapsed'
	local style = string.format('class="toccolours collapsible %s" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" dir="%s" style="text-align:%s; border-collapse:collapse; background:#f0f0ff; border:1px solid #aaa;" lang="%s"',
		collapsed, dir, text_align, args.lang)
	results = string.format('<table %s>\n%s\n</table>\n', style, results)
	results = string.format('<div class="vcard">\n%s\n</div>\n', results)
	-- add references and documentation which are only visible in creator namespace
	if args.namespace==106 then
		local box =''
		if args.wikidata and string.match(cats,'missing linkback') then
			box = info_box('missing_linkback', args.lang, args.wikidata)
		elseif args.wikidata and string.match(cats,'without home category') then
			box = info_box('missing_homecat', args.lang, args.wikidata)
		local doc = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title ='documentation', args = { 'Template:Institution/documentation' } }
		results = results .. box .. doc -- add documentation to pages in creator namespace
	return results

-- ===========================================================================
-- === Create coordinate link                                              ===
-- === INPUTS:                                                             ===
-- ===  * lat - latitude of the institution                                ===
-- ===  * lon - longitude of the institution                               ===
-- ===  * osm - "waypoint" ID gives better www.openstreetmap.org link      ===
-- ===  * geopoly - not woring at the moment                               ===
-- ===  * lang  - language id of the desired language                      ===
-- ===  * namespace - namespace number of the page calling the module      ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function coords(lat, lon, osm, geopoly, namespace, lang)
	if not lat or not lon then
		return nil

	-- add OSM polygon, title etc.
	local str, prec
	if namespace == 6 then -- in files
		str = Coordinates._lat_lon(lat, lon, prec, lang)
		local args = { lat=lat, lon=lon, lang=lang, prec="50", mode="institution"}
		str = Coordinates._GeoHack_link(args)
	-- OSM link
	local osmlink = string.format('//www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?mlat=%s&mlon=%s&zoom=17', lat, lon)
	if osm then
		osmlink = string.format('//www.openstreetmap.org/?way=%s', osm)
	osmlink = string.format('<span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">[[File:Openstreetmap logo.svg|20px|Link to OpenStreetMap|link=%s]]</span>', osmlink)
	-- Google maps link
	local gmaplink = string.format('//maps.google.com/maps?hl=%s&q=%s,%s&tab=wl', lang, lat, lon)
	if geopoly then
		--gmaplink = string.format('//tools.wmflabs.org/dschwenbot/geo_poly/?t=unnamed&p=%s', mw.text.encode(geopoly)) -- not working at the moment
	gmaplink = string.format('<span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">[[File:Google Maps icon (2020).svg|20px|Link to Google Maps|link=%s]]</span>', gmaplink)
	return str .. ' ' .. osmlink .. ' ' .. gmaplink

-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories      ===
-- === which are not related to wikidata                                   ===
-- === INPUTS:                                                             ===
-- ===  * args  - merged data from the local arguments and Wikidata        ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_maintenance_categories(args)
	local cats = '' -- categories 
	-- if home category than
	if args.namespace==14 and args.homecat and mw.title.new('Category:' .. args.homecat):localUrl() == mw.title.getCurrentTitle():localUrl() then
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution template home categories]]'
		--cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:namespace %i]]',args.namespace)
		-- check for wikidata q-code
		if not args.wikidata then
			cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution template home categories without Wikidata link]]'
	-- ===============================================================
	-- === automatic categorization of pages in Institution: namespace === 
	-- ===============================================================
	if args.namespace~=106 then
		return cats
	-- add [[Category:Institution templates]] category
	cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:Institution templates]]')
	-- check for key information
	if not args.linkback and not args.wikidata then
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without linkback]]'
	if not args.name then
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without name]]'
	-- add homecat category
	if args.homecat then
		cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:%s]]',args.homecat)
	-- check for image
	if not args.image then
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without images]]'
	-- check for wikidata q-code
	if not args.wikidata then
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without Wikidata link]]'
	-- check for homecat
	if not args.homecat then
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without home category]]'
		local hc = mw.title.new('Category:'..args.homecat)
		if not hc or not hc.exists then
			cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without home category]]'

	return cats

-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories      ===
-- === to pages in Institution namespace which are related to wikidata     ===
-- === INPUTS:                                                             ===
-- ===  * args0 - local inputs from the Institution template page          ===
-- ===  * args1 - merge of local and wikidata metadata                     ===
-- ===  * data  - data pulled from Wikidata                                ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_categories_to_institution_namespace(args0, args1, data)
	local cats = ''     -- categories 
	local qsTable = {}  -- table to store QuickStatements 
	local comp    = {}  -- outcome of argument vs. wikidata comparison
	-- two forms of QuickStatements command with and without quotes
	local qsCommand = {'%s|%s|%s', '%s|%s|"%s"'}

	-- compare Linkback to the actual page name. Many "Linkbacks" are created with 
	-- tool which produces &#38; and &#39;  instead of "&" and "'"
	if args0.linkback then
		local linkback = args0.linkback
		linkback = mw.ustring.gsub(linkback, '&#39;', "'")
		linkback = mw.ustring.gsub(linkback, '&#38;', "&")
		if linkback~=args0.pagename then
			cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates with mismatching linkback]]'
	-- add [[Category:Institution templates with unknown parameter]] category, if some parameter not on the following list is used
	local fields = {'name', 'native_name', 'inventory', 'parent', 'location', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'osm', 'geopoly', 
									'image', 'homecat', 'established', 'website', 'authority', 'stub', 'demo',
									'namespace', 'linkback', 'wikidata', 'lang', 'pagename', 'option', 'collapse' }
	local set = {}
	for _, field in ipairs(fields) do set[field] = true end
	for field, _ in pairs( args0 ) do 
		if not set[field] then
			cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Institution templates with unknown parameter|%s]]', cats, field)
	-- skip the rest if no q-code
	if not args0.wikidata then
		return cats, args1
	-- add [[Category:Wikidata based Institution templates]] and [[Category:Institution templates with Wikidata link: local linkback]]
	local val = {wikidata=1, linkback=0, lang=0, namespace=0, pagename=0 }
	local hash = 0;
	for field, _ in pairs( args0 ) do 
		hash = hash + (val[field] or 10)
	if hash==1 then
		cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Institution templates based only on Wikidata]]', cats)
	-- mark parameters as "local" if they are present in Institution template
	local fields = {'name', 'native_name', 'parent', 'location', 'image', 'homecat', 'established', 'website', 'authority', 'linkback'}
	for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
		if args0[field] then
			comp[field] = 'local'
	-- redundant if commons Institution template and wikidata have those fields and they are the same
	local fields = {'established', 'native name‎'}
	for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
		if args0[field] and data[field] and args0[field]==data[field] then
			comp[field] = 'redundant'

	-- redundant name if wikidata has at least English label
	if args0.name and data.name_ and not string.match(data.name_, "^%[%[d:Q%d+%|.+%]%]")  then
		comp.name = 'redundant'
	-- redundant if commons Institution template and wikidata have those fields, without checking values
	if args0.location and data.location then
		--comp.location = 'redundant'
	-- ==================================================
	-- === coordinates  ================================= 
	-- ==================================================
	-- calculate distance
	local lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = args0.latitude, data.latitude, args0.longitude, data.longitude
	if lat1 and lat2 then
		comp.coordinates = 'local'
	if lat1 and lat2 and lon1 and lon2 then
		local dLat = math.rad(lat1-lat2)
		local dLon = math.rad(lon1-lon2)
		local d = math.pow(math.sin(dLat/2),2) + math.pow(math.sin(dLon/2),2) * math.cos(math.rad(lat1)) * math.cos(math.rad(lat2))
		d = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(d), math.sqrt(1-d))  -- angular distance in radians
		d = 6371000 * d       -- radians to meters conversion
		if d<100 then
			comp.coordinates = 'redundant'
			comp.coordinates = 'mismatching'
	elseif lat1 and not lat2 and lon1 and not lon2 then
		comp.coordinates = 'item missing'
		table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[1], args0.wikidata, 'P625', string.format('@%09.5f/%09.5f', lat1, lon1)) )

  -- ==================================================
	-- === website  ===================================== 
	-- ==================================================	
	args0.website_ = args0.website
	if args0.website then
		local str = string.match(args0.website, "%[([^ %]]+)[ %]]")
		if str then -- strip off [] brackets if detected
		  args0.website_ = str
	local a1 = args0.website_    -- creator template value  
	local d1 = data.website      -- wikidata q-code
	if a1 and d1 and a1==d1 then 
		comp.website = 'redundant'	
	elseif a1 and not d1 then
		comp.website = 'item missing'
		table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[2], args0.wikidata, 'P856', a1) )
	-- ==================================================
	-- === odds and ends  =============================== 
	-- ==================================================	
	if args0.image then 
		args0.image_ = mw.uri.decode( args0.image, "WIKI" )
	args0.linkback_ = args0.pagename;
	args0.homecat_  = args0.homecat;	
	local fields = {image='P18', linkback='P1612', homecat='P373'}
	for field, prop in pairs( fields ) do
		a1 = args0[field..'_'] -- creator template value  
		d1 = data[field]       -- wikidata q-code
		if a1 and d1 and a1~=d1 then 
			comp[field] = 'mismatching'
		elseif a1 and d1 and a1==d1 then 
			comp[field] = 'redundant'	
		elseif a1 and not d1 then
			comp[field] = 'item missing'
			table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[2], args0.wikidata, prop, a1) )
	if comp.linkback == 'redundant' and (hash~=1 or not args0.linkback) then
		comp.linkback = nil

	-- ==================================================
	-- === Create categories and QuickStatement codes === 
	-- ==================================================
	-- create categories based on comp structure
	for field, outcome in pairs( comp ) do
		cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Institution templates with Wikidata link: %s %s]]', cats, outcome, field)
	-- convert QS table to a string
	local QS   = ''     -- quick_statements final string
	if #qsTable>0 then
		local today = '+' .. os.date('!%F') .. 'T00:00:00Z/11' -- today's date in QS format
	    local url   = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():canonicalUrl()
	    local source = '|S143|Q24731821|S813|' .. today .. '|S4656|"' .. url .. '"'
		local qsWrapper = '&nbsp;[[File:Commons_to_Wikidata_QuickStatements.svg|15px|link=%s]]'
		QS = table.concat( qsTable, source..'||') .. source    -- combine multiple statements into a single command separated by ||
		QS = mw.ustring.gsub(QS, ' ', "%%20")
		QS = mw.ustring.gsub (mw.uri.encode(QS),'%%2520','%%20')
		QS = 'https://quickstatements.toolforge.org/#/v1=' .. QS    -- create full URL link
		QS = string.format(qsWrapper, QS)
		cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates with Wikidata link: quick statements]]'
	args1.QS = QS;
	return cats, args1

-- ===========================================================================
-- === Harvest wikidata properties matching creator template fields        ===
-- === INPUTS:                                                             ===
-- ===  * qCode - item id or a q-code                                      ===
-- ===  * lang  - language id of the desired language                      ===
-- ===  * namespace - namespace number of the page calling the module      ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function harvest_wikidata(qCode, lang, namespace)
-- * qCode - item id or a q-code
-- * lang  - language id of the desired language
-- * namespace - namespace number of the page calling the module
	local str, d, v
	local data = {} -- structure similar to "args" but filled with wikidata data
	local cats = ''
	local entity = nil
	if mw.wikibase and qCode then
		entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qCode)
		if not entity then
			 cats = '[[Category:Institution templates with bad Wikidata link|invalid]]' 
		elseif entity.id~=qCode then
			 cats = '[[Category:Institution templates with redirected Wikidata link]]'
	if not entity then
		return data, cats

	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 1: time properties
	-- ===========================================================================	
	-- harvest time properties: translated date and year number
	local prop = 'P1619'
	local d = getDate(entity, prop , lang)  -- date of official opening
	if not d.str or d.str=='' then
		prop = 'P571'
		d = getDate(entity, prop, lang) -- inception date
	if d.str then
		data.established_ = d.iso
		data.established  = d.str .. core.editAtWikidata(entity.id, prop, lang)
	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 1a: website
	-- ===========================================================================	
	-- look for multiple values each with a language code
	local website = {}
	local url
	for _, statement in pairs( entity:getBestStatements( 'P856' )) do
		if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then 
			url = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value
			local lng = nil
			if statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers.P407 then
				lng = statement.qualifiers.P407[1].datavalue.value.id
				lng = LanguageCodes[lng]
			website[lng or 'en'] = url
	data.website = core.langSwitch(website, lang)
	if data.website and url then
		local label   = mw.ustring.gsub(url , '^https?\:\/\/', "")   -- remove "http://" or "https://" at the beginning
		label         = mw.ustring.gsub(label , '\/$', "")         -- "/" at the end
		data.website  = string.format("[%s %s]", data.website, label) 
	if data.website then
		data.website = data.website .. core.editAtWikidata(entity.id, 'P856', lang)

	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 2: simple string and Q-code properties
	-- ===========================================================================	
	-- harvest string and Q-code properties
	local property = {P18='image', P154='logo_image', P373='homecat', P1612='linkback', P1448='official_name', 
					P1705='native_name', P131='city', P276='location', P159='HQ_location', P749='parent', P361='partOf', P17='country'}
	local addIcon = {P1448=1, P1705=1, P131=1, P276=1, P159=1, P749=1, P361=1}
	for prop, field in pairs( property ) do
		if entity.claims and entity.claims[prop] then -- if we have wikidata item and item has the property
			-- capture single "best" Wikidata value
			for _, statement in pairs( entity:getBestStatements( prop )) do
				if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then 
					local v = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value
					if v.id then 
						v = core.getLabel(v.id, lang)
					elseif v.text then
						v = v.text
					if addIcon[prop] then
						v = v .. core.editAtWikidata(entity.id, prop, lang)
					data[field] = v 
	data.native_name = data.official_name or data.native_name
	data.image       = data.logo_image or data.image
	data.location    = data.city or data.HQ_location or data.location
	data.parent      = data.parent or data.partOf
	if data.location and data.country then
		data.location = mw.text.listToText( {data.location, data.country}, ', ', ', ')
	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 3: geographic coordinates
	-- ===========================================================================	
	local P625 = entity:getBestStatements( 'P625' ) --  coordinate location
	v = nil
	if P625[1] and P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude then 
		v = P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value
	if not v then -- check for location of  headquarters location (P159) 
		local P159 = entity:getBestStatements( 'P159' ) 
		if P159[1] and P159[1].qualifiers and P159[1].qualifiers.P625 then
			v = P159[1].qualifiers.P625[1].datavalue.value
	if v and v.globe == 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2' then
		data.latitude, data.longitude = v.latitude, v.longitude

	-- =================================================================================
	-- === Step 4: name and authority control
	-- =================================================================================	
	-- get name field
	data.name  = getLabel(entity, lang) -- create name based on wikidata label
	data.name_ = getLabel(entity, 'en') -- try english label label

	-- get authority control template		
	local AC_cats
	data.authority, AC_cats = authorityControl(entity, {wikidata = qCode}, lang, 5) 
	if not (namespace == 2 or namespace == 6 or namespace == 828 or math.fmod(namespace,2)==1) then
		cats = cats .. AC_cats -- lets not add authorityControl categories to user pages, files, modules or talk pages and concentrate on templates and categories instead
	return data, cats

-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local p = {}

-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from other LUA codes
-- ===========================================================================
function p._institution(args0)
	local lang = args0.lang  -- user's language
	local cats = ''         -- categories 
	local str, data
	-- look up title info
	args0.namespace  = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace   -- get page namespace
	args0.pagename   = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text        -- get {{PAGENAME}}

	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 1: clean up of template arguments "args0"
	-- ===========================================================================
	if args0.linkback then
		args0.linkback = string.sub(args0.linkback,13)
	if args0.established then
		args0.established = ISOdate(args0.established, lang)
	if not tonumber(args0.latitude) or not tonumber(args0.longitude) then
		args0.longitude = nil
		args0.latitude  = nil
	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 2: one by one merge wikidata and creator data
	-- ===========================================================================
	data, cats = harvest_wikidata(args0.wikidata, lang, args0.namespace)
	-- mass merge (prioritize local values)
	local args = {}
	local fields = {'native_name', 'inventory', 'parent', 'location', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'demo', 'image', 'homecat', 
					'established', 'website', 'authority', 'linkback', 'wikidata', 'lang', 'namespace', 'collapse' }
	for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do 
		args[field] = args0[field] or data[field]
	args.name = data.name
	if not args.name or string.match(args.name or '', "^%[%[d:Q%d+%|Q.+%]%]") then 
		args.name = args0.name -- no name on Wikidata
	--args.name = data.name or args0.name

	args.location = City(args.location, lang) 
	args.coordinates = coords(args.latitude, args.longitude, args0.osm, args0.geopoly, args0.namespace, lang)
	if not args0.latitude and data.latitude then
		args.coordinates = args.coordinates .. core.editAtWikidata(args0.wikidata, 'P625', args.lang)

	-- convert all empty strings to nils
	for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do 
		if args[field] == '' then 
			args[field] = nil; 
	-- ===========================================================================
	-- === Step 3: create maintenance categories and render html of the table
	-- ===========================================================================
	cats = cats .. add_maintenance_categories(args)
	-- If institution namespace than add maintenance categories
	args.QS = nil;
	if args.namespace==106  then
		str, args = add_categories_to_institution_namespace(args0, args, data)
		cats = cats .. str
	local results = Build_html(args, cats)
	return results, cats

-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from template namespace
-- ===========================================================================
function p.institution(frame)
	-- switch to lowercase parameters to make them case independent
	local args = core.getArgs(frame)

	if args.option == 'collapse' then
		args.collapse = 1 -- some "options" are to modify the name and some are commands to do things
		args.option  = nil
	local QS = ''
	if args.wikidata and string.match(args.wikidata or '', "^Q%d+$") then -- invisible language independent marking
		QS = string.format('<div style="display: none;">institution QS:P195,%s</div>\n', args.wikidata)
	-- call the inner "core" function
	local results, cats = p._institution(args)	
	return results .. QS .. cats

return p